The Oulu Greens


The Greens work toward a fair change, and today the worldwide green movement is needed more than ever. At the local level, Greens are an important factor in Oulu, the fifth largest city in Finland. The Greens have a total of 10 seats in the current City Council, and are the fourth largest political party for the 2017–2021 term.

Want to join?

Membership of the Greens is a way to take a stand about the world affairs. As a member you take part in changing the world for the better and defending humanity, the environment and those who are too weak to defend themselves. Work for the environment, equality, education and greener future is done between elections. By joining us, you support our work for a better world.

We are not just a political party: we are a movement, and we are just as strong as our members are. You are most welcome to join us in action!

In Oulu, the local branch of the Greens is called Oulun Vihreä kunnallisjärjestö (known usually by the abbreviation OVK), and it acts as the linking association between the proper member organisations. You can join any of the local member organisations, such as the Greens in Oulu (Oulun Vihreät) or the Green Women in Oulu (Oulun seudun Vihreät naiset). Join here. 


Oulun Vihreä Kunnallisjärjestö ry
Solistinkatu 1 A 3
90140 Oulu


Aino-Kaisa Manninen
+358 40 5689 426

Executive manager

Marjo Tapaninen
+358 40 411 0445